If a doctor gave you a #prescription for an #Epipen it means you could have a severe #anaphylaxis reaction. Don't let a minute more go by if you haven't fulfill your prescription and start carrying the epinephrine auto-injectors ON you at all times.
Symptoms of an allergic reaction can quickly escalate and become severe in minutes. Follow your instincts. The minute you start asking, “should I use the epi pen” it probably means you need to use it.
How do you know if it's just a small reaction or one that could become fatal are different for everyone. There are many symptoms and each time it could be different. You may feel that your lips and or face are swelling, shortness of breath, burning sensation, or simply having hives. Any symptoms that make you feel like something is wrong means that you should just inject the Epinephrine and call 911. If you have been diagnosed with anaphylaxis allergies, don't just take an antihistamine and wait to see if it helps. Use the epi's "Better to be safe than sorry".
As many doctors and people that suffer from anaphylaxis food allergies will say:
Using the Epipen if you don’t need it won’t hurt you, but not using it if you need it could really put your life at risk.
Today, having an #Epipen in every classroom is the law in most states. Food allergies are now included in the #American Disability Act. All but 5 USA states have approved the self carry epinephrine law. Non of these new procedures and laws would be in place if the risk of using an Epipen was higher than NOT using it.
Please, always be prepared in case of an allergic reaction. Carry the epinephrine auto injectors ON you at all times. Not in a bag or back pack, but inside a carrier that attaches to your body. The LegBuddy and WaistPal are great solutions that can help you easily and comfortably discreetly carry up to two Epipens under your clothing.(What is an Epipen?)